The picture above reflects one of my new found interests (or obsessions, as my husband would say!) - I have joined a quilting group! It is something I've wanted to experiment with for some time, but didn't want the commitment of a college course or evening class. I've found a lovely group of very talented ladies who meet on a Friday morning in an informal, pay-as-you-go setting, which is perfect for me. The fat quarters in the picture are all fabrics by the amazing designer Amy Butler which I shall be using to make her Pink Bliss Quilt. I've a long way to go though, as I haven't cut out all my pieces yet - I just like looking at the fabric!!
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Fabric Obsession
The picture above reflects one of my new found interests (or obsessions, as my husband would say!) - I have joined a quilting group! It is something I've wanted to experiment with for some time, but didn't want the commitment of a college course or evening class. I've found a lovely group of very talented ladies who meet on a Friday morning in an informal, pay-as-you-go setting, which is perfect for me. The fat quarters in the picture are all fabrics by the amazing designer Amy Butler which I shall be using to make her Pink Bliss Quilt. I've a long way to go though, as I haven't cut out all my pieces yet - I just like looking at the fabric!!
Monday, 24 August 2009
Baby Blanket
Well, things have been a bit quiet on the blog front - I blame the Summer holidays! Over the weekend I completed this baby blanket for my friend's third baby, Emily. I had a sneaking suspicion that she may be a girl from the start, but in a moment of panic just before she was born, I ripped back the very lilac project I was working on an made this neutral offering instead!! I should have stuck with my gut instinct it seems! This was a great project to do - the pattern was easy to remember so it could be picked up and put down whenever. The pattern is taken from Debbie Bliss' Simply Baby and is made in her Rialto DK in beige which I happened to have in my stash. I've decided to use this pattern as my stock baby blanket! I've another friend due next week so I may make another one - this time using another stash yarn: cashmere cotton. It is another Debbie Bliss yarn which has sadly been discontinued.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Frustration on the sock front!
For some reason, only known to myself, I have decided to make ALL my family socks for Christmas. That's 22 pairs, or 44 socks, as my husband kindly reminds me on a regular basis!
Anyway, I have completed one pair, for one of my four sister-in-laws, using the very tried and trusted Regia pattern, and gorgeous fyberspates yarn. I have started on another pair for my brother-in-law Martin, this time, excitedly, using a pattern from my new purchase, The Little Box of Socks. The twisted German cast on proved to be the first 'challenge', and as I started to knit, it wasn't looking good. Thinking I could 'get away' with it I carried on. Several silly errors later and after trying this very large partially finished (past the heel turn and way down the foot) sock on my beloved's foot I decided it wasn't to be... Ripped!
After several deep breaths, I have now started the socks again. I've gone down a size, the twisted cast on looks much better and I seem to have learnt lots of valuable lessons. I'll post a picture of the finished socks soon (hopefully).
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Lazy Saturday
I've been confined to the house today with a sore throat and runny nose. This has been coming on for a few days but probably wasn't helped by a 4 mile run in torrential rain yesterday morning! Early worries that I may have swine flu have disappeared as am decidedly brighter by tonight. This morning's post brought some welcome additions to my stash in the form of Peaches & Creme cotton which I plan to use to make the 'Absorba' bathmat - of Mason-Dixon fame. The majority of today was spent drinking tea, watching cricket and knitting socks. I am trying to fight off the urge to start a new project and complete the socks as well as putting the finishing touches to my 'Willow' tank top.
This afternoon, between overs and sneezes, Sophia and I got the guest bedroom ready for my brother, Gruff. He is returning from a year of travelling and should be here lunchtime tomorrow! Sophia and I made him a Victoria sponge in honour of his return!
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
American Sock
I had hope d to finish these 'Stars and Stripes' socks in time for July 4th! Once again time has marched on and only one sock is completed! I must learn to complete a pair before moving on to the next ones - I seem to have an ever increasing pile of odd socks. This wool was purchased at Web of Wool and is a Socka Fortissima yarn. The pattern used was the ever faithful Regia pattern. Now to finish the other socks - father's day socks (very belated, I know) and a pair for my daughter's teacher! Surely a pair of handmade socks will be a welcome gift among the countless chocolates and bath products!
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Afternoon tea...
A plate of knitted cakes! These are a gift for Mark, the sugarcraft tutor. Lisa and I have been attending his courses for the last few years - today is the last class ever so we have knitted him some cakes! Here is my contribution to the project - a lemon meringue pie, an iced doughnut and a piece of carrot cake!
Monday, 22 June 2009
For some strange reason I have decided to make my whole family socks for christmas. I've purchased lots of sock wool, including Zauberball, Violet Green, Fyberspates, Opal and Regia, and it's all gorgeous. I've also got two new books ' Socks a la carte' and 'The Little Box of Socks'. They only arrived this morning, I need to make time to peruse them properly. Now, you think that would keep me busy enough, but no, I had to go and buy enough wool to make Debbie Abrahams Lithograph blanket too! Sooo, if I can manage a pair of socks and a square a week I'll be laughing!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Willow Update
Monday, 15 June 2009
Surf and Sand
Another dishcloth! This one is to be known as the 'Surf and Sand' dishcloth. I love the colours in this one - especially the, almost jade, green. I followed the ballband dishcloth pattern as per usual and used the fabulous Peaches & Creme Ombres yarn. This shade is 'Royal Verde', shade 174. I photographed the dishcloth on my washing line in bright June sunshine with Swansea Bay as the backdrop!
Lisa and I are coming to the end of our cake decorating course this week. We are both working on a selection of knitted cakes as a thank you gift for our tutor! As well as this I am wondering if I've left it a bit late to start on two pair of Father's day socks!
Monday, 8 June 2009
Well, I've finally got over my writers/bloggers block! It's been a while...
During my absence, I've also managed to knit a couple of dishcloths. Mine don't really have a theme, I'm just trying out different patterns. The last two cloths have been on Ravelry's Dishcloths R Us group, featured as the monthly k/cal. You'll have to excuse the colour combinations, they were chosen by my lovely offspring!!!
I agree with Rhian, dishcloth knitting is dangerously addictive!
Now, back to the Hearfelt jacket...
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Wavepool Dishcloth
Be warned - this dishcloth knitting lark is highly addictive. Once you start you literally can't stop! I love the fact that dishcloths are small, finite projects, easily knitted in a few evenings. In my case dishcloths bring respite from slow-growing, difficult knitting projects! This 'Wavepool Dishcloth' is part of my nautical dishcloth collection - the pattern is available as a Ravelry download. It is knitted, once again, in the fabulous Peaches & Creme - shade 23, baby blue. I have more dishcloth projects planned and also a bathmat!!
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Saturday afternoon in the Sun
Completed Seaside Dishcloth
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Seaside Dishcloth
Moving on from the 'Flintoff Dishcloth' above is the 'Seaside Dishcloth'. I picked up this mini-project again today after a brief hiatus, inspired by the good weather and sea views from my house. The waves have been mesmerising today - the shades of blue have changed as the day has gone on, beautiful in the sunlight. This ball band dishcloth is knitted in Peaches and Creme Ombres shade 195 - powder puff. The blue and white yarn made me think of the sea hence the 'Seaside Dishcloth'. On reflection shade 201 may have been a more inspirational shade - it's called seamist! Oh well, I may start a seaside themed group of dishcloths....
Monday, 25 May 2009
Together at last!
The 'Colette' socks are finished and the pair is complete! I absolutely adored every minute of knitting these socks! The wool was purchased at 'Wonderwool' last month - two balls of AdriafilKnitcol in shade 046. At the time I had no idea what I would use the wool for - I just liked the colours. After a visit to my visit to my sister-in-law Colette, in Leeds, I took up the DPNs and made her this pair. The wool, although not strictly a sock yarn, knitted into perfect stripes using 3.5mm DPNs and the ever fabulous Regia 6-ply pattern. Needless to say I am thrilled with the results - and I hope my sister-in-law will be too!
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Heartfelt Jacket
I've finally gone back to a project I started just under a year ago! It's a jacket called Elizabeth from Kim Hargreaves book Heartfelt. I'm not really enjoying it as much as I'd hoped. Shaping the two front pieces was very confusing and I just hope that they look the same when the jacket is on! Just the sleeves to go, at least I can follow the pattern without too much blood, sweat and tears for those!!! I'm not that keen on the summer tweed either, it's a bit like knitting with string!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Colette socks...seeking a partner.

Thursday, 14 May 2009
Katerina Shawl

Monday, 4 May 2009
More Wonderwool

Sunday, 3 May 2009
In progress ...

Saturday, 2 May 2009
New projects.
Rhian and I really enjoyed Wonderwool. There was a fabulous array of wool and accessories to purchase. I was very restrained, but did buy a few things for a couple of new projects. I couldn't leave without some Peaches and Creme cotton to make dishcloths. My daughters have a ball each too, and are both slowly creating a dishcloth with some interesting features like holes, twisted stitches and loops! I managed to finish this one in two evenings, which is good going for me!

I also bought a felted slipper kit and some wool for a felted bag, even though I already have wool for a felted bag, sigh, I just couldn't resist it. Oh well, it's been stashed in the drawer with all the rest, but hopefully not for too long.
My current project is a pair of Regia socks. Very enjoyable and addictive, so much so, I've already ordered more wool to make another pair! Once I have finished these I'm going to start on the broomstick lace jacket. I have recently joined Ravelry, and there is loads of info and pictures of the jacket which I'm sure is going to help when I get stuck!!! The pattern is from Stich Diva and they have also posted YouTube videos about broomstick lace and how to increase and decrease - very helpful. I'm not very good at crochet, let's hope I can pull it off!
Thursday, 30 April 2009

Sunday, 26 April 2009
Little Scout....again!!

My version of Little Scout is finally completed. It is modelled by a poorly Sophia, snotty and exhausted from Wonderwool yesterday. It is knitted in Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk DK - the colourway is 'Blush', chosen by Sophia herself. Not a bad choice for a 3 year old I say!!!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
And finally...
Here they are at last. The three Blue Sky Alpaca Knit Chickens! I really enjoyed knitting them, but I do think the bone coloured one is too large. The small stripy one is the perfect size. If I was to knit them again, which is unlikely as I am 'all chickened out', they would all be small. They took longer to knit than I'd hoped, and I didn't make the Easter deadline!!! My ten year old wasn't bothered though as she was too busy munching her way through endless Easter eggs!
Rhian, Cath and I are off to Wonderwool on Saturday. The husbands and kids are coming too, so it'll be a fantastic day out with a fab picnic to look forward to. I'll have to set myself a strict budget though, as the temptation to buy, buy, buy will be sooo great and I don't want too many disapproving looks from the hubby!!!
Now for the next project...
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
New Book and Project

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Weekend Festivities!

Not much knitting at my end over the last week - well no completed projects anyway! I have started 'Picnic' - an afghan from Blankets & Throws to Knit by Debbie Abrahams and have nearly completed a pink version of 'Little Scout' - Lisa's blue version was posted on the blog last week. Despite lack of progress on the practical front there has been a lot of knitting-related web-based research going on instead - the results of which should partly land on my doormat tomorrow morning!
Our Easter weekend festivities involved a visit to Folly Farm, where I met some angora goats! The goats were very camera shy and after several shots of their rear ends I gave up and photographed this informative poster instead!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Baby Easter Chickens!

Monday, 6 April 2009
Little Scout
Here is a picture of my daughter's finished top...
Unfortunately it knitted up quite snugly, so I don't think it's going to fit her for long. I'm surprised at that as I usually knit loosely.
Now for knit chickens. It's a fabulous pattern by Blue Sky Alpacas, which has the most glorious, tactile yarn, which is organic. There are three to make, and I've made the small one - great fun. The yarn is working beautifully with my knitpro needles, but I just don't want to do anything else!!! Now I have to make the other two in time for Easter, wish me luck! I'll post a picture of all three soon...
Saturday, 4 April 2009
The Flintoff Dishcloth

Monday, 30 March 2009
More socks!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Look what I've got...
I do, however, need to finish my daughter's tank top first (so nearly there), but I'm chomping at the bit to get some yarn around these lovelies!
I've also ordered yet another project, I know, I know, involving a rather large pair of needles. It's a jacket using Rowan cotton glace and is a cross between knitting and crochet called broomstick lace. The jacket is quite fitted and apparently knits up fairly quickly.
Looking forward to knit 'n' natter tomorrow. Let's hope my 3 yr old allows some knitting this time..
Friday, 20 March 2009
Purchases from last weekend

Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Cancelled knitting night out!
Unfortunately tonight's knitting get together has been cancelled. This is due to several factors including, ill children, unwell mums and an identity theft!!!
We will try to arrange another one, hopefully in two weeks time.
Will try and knit something tonight, let's see...
Knitting night out
Went to knit and natter yesterday, did lots of nattering, but no knitting - not even a stitch! My three year old had other ideas, again.
Still waiting for the sock wool and the wool for the felted bag project to arrive. It's probably a good thing that it hasn't got here yet as it's giving me a chance to finish a top for my 10 year old daughter. It's called 'Little Scout' from the Sublime children's double knitting book. I'm using the 'extra fine merino wool dk' in shade 007, which my daughter chose. I'll take a picture of it when it's finished.
I'm looking forward to our knitting evening in the pub tonight. It should be good fun. I bet we get loads done - no distractions (husband, kids, TV etc.)!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
You're my wonderwool...
Just a quick post to draw your attention to Wonderwool Wales. This is an annual festival held at the Royal Welsh Showground in Builth Wells, celebrating Welsh wool and natural fibres. The dates for this year are the 25th and 26th of April. I am very excited about a road trip along the windy roads of Mid-Wales to this wool fest!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Work in progress

Sunday, 15 March 2009
Sock Wool...
I have now gone and ordered wool to make socks! As if I didn't have enough on the go already!!! I did, however, manage to finish the cardi and hat for my nephew, but forgot to take a photo before I gave it! Oh well, I'll have to find something else to take a picture of.
My South African mother-in-law told me something rather amusing. Apparently part of the Xhosa tribe, known as 'the amaPondo' are into knitting, especially the men!!! They probably need to knit as they come from a pretty cold (in winter, anyway) part of the Eastern Cape. She tells the story of a burly cane cutter who used to knit every evening after work! Funny, and many still think of knitting as a 'granny's' hobby. Two of my non-knitting friends fell about laughing when I told them of our plans to create a knitting group and blog! I'll see if I can convert them.....
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Finished cardigan
I've managed to complete one of my projects today - hooray! Well, almost, I just need to buy and sew on 4 buttons. It's a cardigan for my 4 week old nephew. Photo to follow. Now for the matching hat...
Knitting Night....
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Funky Knitting Needles

One of the things about knitting that gives me pleasure is in the materials and equipment I use. I can spend hours looking and choosing beautiful yarns ...and hours buying it as well! When it comes to the knitting needles I only use wooden needles. The majority of my needles are bamboo, but recently I have developd a bit of a obsession as far as funky knitting needles go! My collection at present includes Art Viva needles with beautiful dotty tops, made from Tasmanian Oak and some gorgeous butterfly topped Serendipity needles. All I need to do now is slap on the handcream and start knitting some new projects - after I've finished my socks...and my hot-water bottle cover...and my nephew's blanket...and...and...why do I always have so many projects on the go at once!!! Rhian xxx
New project!
I'm very excited! Have just ordered wool to make a felted bag. It's Crystal Palace yarn, and, apparently, felts easily. I've never felted anything before, well, not intentionally anyway, so we'll see. I've never knitted a bag before either, so this really could be an imminent disaster! Let's hope not!!! I must just remember to keep the excitement at bay and read the pattern properly first...
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
First post on the new site!
Well, here we are at last, a blog of our own. It's still work in progress and some things may change over the next few days/weeks!
We set up our first knitting group today. What a laugh! Managed to swap some ideas and thoughts and show off our knitting. My unruly toddler had other ideas though and I only managed to knit 3 rows in an hour and a half!!!
I've currently got 4 projects on the go, and another 2 waiting on the sideline! Unfortunately, one project has been gathering dust for so long I've completely forgotten where I am, hmmm...
Happy knitting everyone.
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