Saturday, 18 July 2009

Lazy Saturday

I've been confined to the house today with a sore throat and runny nose. This has been coming on for a few days but probably wasn't helped by a 4 mile run in torrential rain yesterday morning! Early worries that I may have swine flu have disappeared as am decidedly brighter by tonight. This morning's post brought some welcome additions to my stash in the form of Peaches & Creme cotton which I plan to use to make the 'Absorba' bathmat - of Mason-Dixon fame. The majority of today was spent drinking tea, watching cricket and knitting socks. I am trying to fight off the urge to start a new project and complete the socks as well as putting the finishing touches to my 'Willow' tank top.

This afternoon, between overs and sneezes, Sophia and I got the guest bedroom ready for my brother, Gruff. He is returning from a year of travelling and should be here lunchtime tomorrow! Sophia and I made him a Victoria sponge in honour of his return!

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